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Linear Algebra

Linear algebra, the study of vectors and vector spaces, has many incredibly interesting applications including mathematical physics, modern algebra and coding theory. Unlike more vague and new fields of Mathematics, our understanding of linear algebra is pretty air tight; you can make really satisfying progress in this topic and won't find yourself feeling like you've got gaping holes in your knowledge. Wanting to go into AI, machine learning or computing? This is the one for you. 



No bullshit guide to linear algebra by Ivan Savov 


Linear Algebra Done Right by Sheldon Axler 

Linear Algebra by Jim Hefferon (and answers to exercises)


Intro to Linear Algebra Series by 3Blue1Brown - this is a several part series so make sure you go through the different videos in order!


The author of Linear Algebra Done Right made this INCREDIBLE video series to go along with the book - a great combo for anyone hoping for a good understanding of undergraduate Linear Algebra. 

Linear Algebra Lecture Series by MIT




Coding the Matrix: Linear Algebra through Applications to Computer Science Paperback by Philip N Klein
Linear Algebra for Everyone by Gilbert Strang, (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)


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